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projects,residencies and exhibitions

Royal Philharmonic Orchestra 

Commissioned to make a series of videos for projection for The Royal Philharmonic Orchestra's Relaxed performance series in 2025.


video stills 2024 Annis Joslin 

Cab Road Heritage Project

Working with videoclub and a group of volunteer researchers on a unique heritage project exploring the history and heritage of the Cab Road tunnel and other tunnels beneath Brighton Railway Station  community heritage project leading to a website launch and exhibition in 2025.


Exhibition at Hove Museum of Creativity, launched during Brighton Festival 2024.

May to Nov 2024

echo 2024 multichannel digital video installation


An egg, top hat, clothes pegs, bird cage and a line of rope - these are just a few of the objects that inhabit the world of echo. This video installation breathes life into objects originally used as props in early films. Archive film material is repurposed combined with imagery and sounds generated through public workshops, the objects are presented in both monochrome and intense, digitally-processed green and red, a nod to George Albert Smith’s 1906 invention of Kinemacolor.

More info here. Commissioned by videoclub and Corridor.

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echo (aperture) still.jpg

The Wonder Lab - Artist Residency at Hove Museum of Creativity

Part of a week long artist-led team alongside Sapphire Goss, Bella Okuya and Connor Turansky, in residence during The Wonderlab. Developing ideas for new work in response the museum's film collection and a selection of early films made by the Hove Pioneers coutesy of Screen Archive South East. I experiment with ideas through a series of workshop with the public as well as with The Wonder Club (a programme for young people led by artist Chahine Fellahi. We experiment with green screen and loops of early film footage, peforming the objects used as props in the selected early film. The material will be developing into a new video installation intervention within the museum. 


Glynndebourne Youth Opera - Artivism

I've been part of a project as a visual artist working with Glyndebourne Youth Opera on the ChangeMaker programme, led by The Human Hive over 8 months (2023/2024). 60 young people in two companies across Sussex explored activism through the arts - music, visual art, theatre and movement - in order to create a lasting legacy of climate related change at Glyndebourne opera house itself. Together we are explored how to use the arts to alert Glyndebourne audiences about the threat of climate change and to persuade them to take a small but significant action of change. The project culminated in a performance event where the work was shared and the audience were invited to actively think about what message they were being communicated and provoked to pledge to make changes, however small in their own lives. In collaboration with the young people we made animations, video, photography, collage and objects to support and share at during the final performace.  

Easbourne Session 1 collage scans 16 copy.jpg

archive of selected previous projects

Click on images to find out more


Arts Council funded project with Sarah Cole (Cole & Joslin) developing STATIC, a 360 film.

Commissioned by English Heritage and Photoworks to create a series of digital resources and design workshop to support young people to explore the theme of untold heritage through photography in collaboration with photographer Alejandra Tolra for Shout Out Loud - EH's youth engagement programme.

'Fiction is a lie that tells the truth' A series of animated films made in collaboration with Tony Gammidge and a group of young people in the criminal justice system. The aim of the project was to explore young people's attitudes to health and well being to enable them to feed into a new healthcare programme. Stories of teenage pregnancy, abandonment, violence, loss, loneliness, neglect, and broken bones emerged.

Putting Ourselves in the Picture

Artist in Residence Fabrica Gallery

The Light and the Load

Making Spaces Residency at Fabrica Gallery

Guifa Project, Glyndebourne and The Complete Freedom of Truth

Messy Business

Self Identity Commission People United and Domestic Abuse Charity Joining Hands Joining Hearts.

If Hope Could Speak

Poetry and Film Collaboration with poet Rachel Rooney with young people in Chalkhill Mental Health Hospital.

Draw me In

Towner Art Gallery

Artist In Residence

Chalkhill Education Centre

Breath Taking

Collaboration with Sarah Cole, commissioned by National Trust

What Makes Your Heart Sing...

Public Art Project Commissioned by Sussex Partnerships NHS Trust

Giddy Brighton

A nine month project finally culminated in the launch of the Giddy Brighton app and exhibition launched as part of Brighton Festival - an opportunity to walk vicariously down memory lane, featuring the personal stories of Brighton & Hove locals who loved, lost and rebelled as teenagers during the 1940-60s.

Box of...

Public Art Project Commissioned by Sussex Partnerships NHS Trust

Upside Down and Inside Out

Public Art Project Commissioned by Sussex Partnerships NHS Trust

This is Where I am Just Now

Public Art Project Commissioned by Sussex Partnerships NHS Trust

Downs to the Sea

Commissioned by Brighton and Hove Royal Pavilions and Museums to work with residents of Portslade and West Hove neighbourhoods to develop and create a series of photographic and and collage based work exhibited as part of the exhibition "Downs to Sea - A Slice of Life' which the group curated by choosing art work from the Arts Council Collection. The exhibition ran at Brighton Museum from April 5 - June 15 2014.

© 2021 By Annis Joslin

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