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Capability Brown

I'm working with artist Sarah Cole who has been commissioned by PAVILION – a visual arts commissioning organisation in Leeds to work with mothers and carers and their children in Berkhamsted.

The project will result in the creation of a video work ( which is where our collaboration begins) at Ashridge Estate in Hertfordshire. Ashridge’s Golden Valley was designed by Lancelot ‘Capability’ Brown and this project is part of an ongoing contemporary art programme through which Pavilion is exploring the history and politics of Brown’s work. The project forms part of the Capability Brown Festival 2016, managed by the Landscape Institute and funded by the Heritage Lottery Fund.

We had a playful day filming with the group yesterday in between downpours and will begin editing soon. The film will be screened in Leeds later in the year and the project forms part of the Capability Brown Festival 2016, managed by the Landscape Institute and funded by the Heritage Lottery Fund.

Here's few images from our filming session:

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