Fabrica Residency - Putting Ourselves in the Picture
I have been commissioned to undertake one of 3 artist residencies at Fabrica Gallery a co-commission with Project Artworks , part of their Explorers Project. Each of us (Sara Dare, Jo Offer and I) begin our residency with a different proposition - for mine the emphasis is on what happens when people make things together, how different people respond to objects, what objects can evoke and the ‘conversations' that happen between materials and people. Over the next two weeks each morning I will be working with diverse groups exploring objects through assemblage, photography, drawing, chalk and a giant blackboard painted wall. The afternoons open up to the public with opportunities to respond to the traces left by the morning workshops. I know our starting point but I’ve no idea what’s going to unfold and that’s the way I like it, I like not knowing, we’ll work it out together....