Marks Make Meaning: drawing across disciplines
Really looking forward to being part of the exhibition "Marks Make Meaning: drawing across disciplines" with Make Your Mark's Year of Drawing project at Grand Parade Gallery, University of Brighton.
I am contributing 3 films: Make Your Mark promo film, Concertina Book animation and Drawing Spinning Tops film. Alongside this will be a book work created by Jane Fox and Jane Fordam, the two other Year of drawing commissioned artists.
Exhibition: Grand Parade Gallery 12 – 29 March, 10:00am – 5:00pm (weekdays only, closing at 2:00pm on 29 March)
Private View on 9 March, 5:30pm – 8:30pm
Marks Make Meaning: drawing across disciplines is an exhibition and related events that will honour celebrated alumni and showcase the extraordinary range of drawing research and practice across the university. It will also be a platform for collaborative projects with external partners and an opportunity to discuss future drawing research directions. Underpinning the show are three key strands: space and place; health and wellbeing; and education and learning.